Space Sheriff Shaider - Season 1 : Episode 49


  • Action & Adventure
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Archeology student Dai Sawamura continued his father's research regarding the Nazca Lines. Believing that it contains a message, he journeys to Peru to investigate further, leading him to a cave in Easter Island where he discovered an altar, suddenly he was flash with a high concentration of light knocking him unconcious. Commander Qom of the Galactic Union Police impressed with Dai's determination, intelligence & strong will deemed him worthy and recruited him to become a Space Sheriff. Fuuma a religion from the Fushigi dimension launched an attack on several planets & destroyed anyone who opposed their plans. Qom deputized all training cadets and ordered them to return their home planet to defend them against the impending threat. Dai Sawamura was given the code name SHAIDER and was joined by fellow cadet Space Sheriff Annie from the Planet Mount which was destroyed by Fuuma. Together they returned to Earth to battle Fuuma and thwart their conquest.

Season 1 Episodes


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